She started as a concept doll in 1959 and has grown to be a household brand name in Mattel, starring in movies, TV series, cartoons, books, apparel and games. Beautiful and glamorous, Barbie is perfect for role-playing and dress-ups as she has such a fashionable wardrobe and attends some of the trendiest events. Depicted as a dreamer, a fairy, a pop star, a mermaid or a cheerleader, to name just a few, Barbie always steals the show.
- Digitally printed cowgirl top and pants in pink
- Sleeveless top in satin features printed stars and attached buttons. Fitted pants have elasticed waist with stars printed on the lower leg
- The separate necktie is in shimmery fabric
- Cowgirl style hat is white with up-turned peak and a pink ribbon attached
- This is an officially licensed Mattel Barbie product